Trixie Smith

Psychic Medium


Hi I am Trixie Smith, a Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, intuitively empathic, mother, wife and teacher to all who listens. I am just like you, a normal person living a normal life with a few extra conversations.

I have always been a very spiritual person; I believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of teachers. I was blessed with the gift of being able to connect with the spirit world. Having the opportunity to connect my clients with their loved ones that have passed from the earthly realm. My focus is to bring forth the awareness and healing through love, and to teach others how to open up their own spiritual potential.

My mission as a reader is to connect individually with each and every client working on their needs and wants. Working on a deep emotional level to understand exactly what they require out of each service. Helping them heal one person at a time, one reading at a time. Head on over to my services to see if one of them fits your needs.